

The Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software has been recognized by the following organizations and professional development peer groups and received the following industry awards for innovation and engineering excellence.

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NATO 2022 | Allied Command Counterintelligence

Team Kestrel is pleased to have participated at NATO-HQ in Brussels Belgium, and presented to a distinguished group of NATO country counterintelligence, national security professionals. Paul D Turner, TSS TSI of Professional Development TSCM Group Inc., received recognition by the NATO-HQ | Allied Command Counterintelligence | TSCM Working Group 2022, for participation and providing a presentation, entitled, “Focus on the Future”, an introduction to a standards-based moving target threat model methodology, beginning with the importance of understanding the premise of Probability of Detection (POD) by the numbers.

 CTSC 2015

Paul D Turner, TSS TSI of Professional Development TSCM Group Inc., received recognition for the category of Software Defined Radio (SDR) Innovation for the Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software at the Canadian Technical Security Conference (CTSC) TM in April 2015, for the second year running.

 CTSC 2014

Paul D Turner, TSS TSI of Professional Development TSCM Group Inc., received recognition for the category of Software Defined Radio (SDR) Innovation for the Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software at the Canadian Technical Security Conference (CTSC) TM in April 2014.

 CTSC 2014

Andrzej Wolczanski, TSS also of Professional Development TSCM Group Inc., received recognition for the category of RF Engineering and Product Development for the KestrelPod II TM Ultra Wide Band Surveillance Antenna at the Canadian Technical Security Conference (CTSC) TM in April 2014.

 ERII 2013

We are honored to have been selected the as the first recipient of the Glenn H. Whidden Award for the “Best New TSCM Product” at the 2013 ERII Counterespionage Conference in Virginia.

This award is equally shared among our Software Development Group (SDG) TM and our Technical Research and Standards Group (TRSG) TM who have worked extremely hard to bring to the market one of the most innovative and leading professional level TSCM software products available.

As noted by an ERII Counter-Espionage Conference participant, “The Kestrel TSCM Professional Software is one of the most significant and refreshing TSCM products that I have ever seen and the competition should be very concerned”.

 CTSC 2013

The Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software was officially recognized during the Canadian Technical Security Conference (CTSC) TM held in Ottawa, April 2013.

Professional Development TSCM Group Inc., received the “Software Defined Radio (SDR) Innovation” award  in recognition of our Innovation and Research and Development Excellence our contribution to the TSCM industry.

 CTSC 2012

The Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software was officially recognized during the Canadian Technical Security Conference (CTSC) TM held in Cornwall, April 2012.

Professional Development TSCM Group Inc., received the Industry Design & Innovation Award in recognition of our Product Design, Innovation and Research and Engineering Excellence.