Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software
The standard Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software is the most powerful, and versatile TSCM | SIGINT | ELINT applications available to the modern professional spectrum warrior, with our one software does it all, scalable methodology!
The Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software is scalable and agile, with a fully integrated set of core features that now includes the AEC, CLP and TCP technology all in a single easy to deploy application.
Developed in Canada, the Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software exploits technological advances in Software Defined Radio (SDR) technology to leverage low-cost computer technology to provide a powerful, flexible and cost-effective RF, PL and Optical (photonic) sensing solution.
Designed by Professional Development TSCM Group Inc. and drawing on more than 40+ years of field experience, the Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software is a proven 100% Canadian Software Defined Radio (SDR) based, RF collection and analysis resource packed with significant operator centric work-flow based functionalities.
There are many significant features that require precision interoperability across the application and this change provides greater scalability.
A New Generation
The mighty Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software continues to remain the lowest cost, full featured, TSCM specific, operator centric application in its class as a standards-based industry leading TSCM | SIGINT platform.
Our standard Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software licensing model, includes essential features, including our powerful Automatic Export Control (AEC), Command Line Programming (CLP), and our Tap Capture Plot (TCP) technology; as fully integrated feature-sets at the base-software license level. This allows for a consistent end-user experience, for the Kestrel community in general; with greater interoperability, scalability, and transitional work-flow across all deployment requirements.
The importance of a Total Energy Capture (TEC) TM deployment model, requires that dimensional geo-location heat mapping under the umbrella of the our powerful wideband Tap Capture Plot (TCP) TM resource be deployed as part of a modern moving target threat model. A balanced, standards-based approach can only be realized with powerful software innovation and experienced-based methodology developed under the TSB 2000 (Technical) Standard TM.
The Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software is ethically developed and source-code controlled in Canada.
Our company and its regional master distributors are bound by International Distribution Agreements (IDA) TM, and are firmly committed to the highest ethical standards and business processes in procurement, that are free of conflict of interest, corruption and unethical business transactions; we encourage any and all relevant parties to contact our head-office with any concerns contrary to the above statement.
Licensing Model Benefits Realized!
The following represents the direct interoperability enhancements realized with our licensing model.
- Meets Criteria of a Modern Standards-based Approach
- Strong Interoperability with Existing Features
- Essential Triggered IQ Capture Capability
- Advanced Network Alerting (Email | SMS)
- Third-Party Application Level C2 Support
- Automatic (Periodic and Triggered) CSV Signal List Exports
- Spectra and RSSI Exports
- Custom CSV Export File Output Rendering
- Advanced TCP TM Dimensional Geo-location Heat Mapping
- Unintentional Radiator (TEMPEST) Evaluation and Localization
Under our licensing model, the essential AEC, CLP, and TCP features are now fully integrated within the standard software license package, as essential key-features, ensuring unprecedented value for the greater Kestrel ® community.
As the Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software continues to evolve, the number of add-on optional software modules have become significantly interoperable and dependent on other feature interaction and are no longer considered optional, or nice to have capability.
Rolling in these advanced key features into the standard software will strengthen the interoperability and stability of the of the application and ultimately advance the end-user experience by encouraging the use and deployment of these powerful standards-based resources and embrace a modern approach that is designed to meet the challenges of a complex threat environment.
Powerful Standard Software License
Our standard software license includes all of the essential tools, resources, and feature sets for advanced professional level radio-frequency requirements from corporate sweeps to national security applications. The standard software package is highly scalable, and promotes transitional deployment across operator-assisted, remote spectrum surveillance and monitoring, dimensional geo-location heat mapping, and supports demodulation visualization, IQ capture and analysis.
Kestrel TSCM Professional Software TM | $4,995.00
Our standard software package includes all listed key-features, with the exception of the optional software modules, which may be purchased separately to add enhanced deployment capability.
Activation Security Key (ASK) TM | $1,250.00
The standard full version of the software includes two (2) Activation Security Keys (ASK) TM in support of Dual Radio Operation (DRO) TM on a single system. Additional radio hardware can be added to an existing system with the purchase of an ASK TM for each additional radio.
Standard Software Modules
Our enhanced standard Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software package, now brings the Automatic Export Control (AEC) TM, Command Line Programming (CLP) TM, and our Tap Capture Plot (TCP) TM technology, into the application as fully integrated feature-sets, at the licensing level.
Automatic Export Control (AEC) TM
Time-Periodic and Triggered CSV Signal List Export, Triggered IQ Capture and Export (with custom parameters), Spectra Export, RSSI Export, Custom Operator Defined CSV Table Elements.
Command Line Programming (CLP) TM
Custom Audio Alerts, Email and SMS Network Alerts, Triggered Event Screen Capture, and Executable Third-Party Application Support for external hardware and software.
Tap Capture Plot (TCP) TM
Algorithmic support for advanced radio-frequency, powerline, and optical (photonic), Dimensional Geo-Location Heat Mapping for Intentional, unintentional, and TEMPEST evaluations, based on our Total Energy Capture (TEC) TM technology.
Optional Software Modules
There are powerful advanced extension (optional) software modules that address professional, unique critical mission, and custom deployment requirements. These optional software modules add important advanced capability to the standard software.
Autonomous Measurement and Collection System (AMCS) TM | OPT AMCS | $895.00
The AMCS TM resource provides remote TCP-IP capability with our powerful Software Development Kit (SDK) for custom client-side monitoring solutions.
Dynamic Trace Autonomous Platform (DTAP) | OPT DTAP-GPS TM | $895.00
DTAP-GPS supports the mobile deployable of our autonomous, GPS enabled, wide-area Dimensional Geo-Location Heat Mapping resource.
Kestrel Central Visualizer | Remote Radio Management (KCV-RRM) TM | OPT KCV-RRM
Remote Radio-Resource Management for Independent Radio Locations. The Licensing Costs for OPT KCV-RRM TM is Package Dependent.
Please call for pricing details.
Digital Signal Protocol Visualizer (DSPV) TM | OPT DSPV
Our DSPV TM module is currently under-development and is only available for the Kestrel TSCM GOV Professional Software.
Please call for pricing details.
Key Features Description
The Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software | and the Kestrel ® SIGINT Professional Software | Signals Intelligence Support System TM are applicable to a wide range of technical security and national security applications across the radio-frequency spectrum, power grid and optical spectrum.
Kestrel ® is ideal for TSCM | SIGINT | ELINT, Remote Spectrum Surveillance and Monitoring (RSSM) TM, regulatory spectrum management and enforcement, wireless communication sector, and interference analysis and resolution.
Specialized resources make it particularly effective for the detection, collection, review, and analysis of potentially hostile signal activity within the ambient Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum.
In a modern moving target threat model as defined by the TSB2000 (Technical) Standard TM, there is a strict requirement for the inclusion of highly-focused threat detection technology that must include, illusive burst detection protocols and the ability to maintain 24/7/365 uptime across complex deployment requirements. Perhaps even more important, is a powerful new methodology in the deployment of TSCM specific and operator centric feature-sets that provide interoperability at the integration level.
The Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software | and the Kestrel ® SIGINT Professional Software | Signals Intelligence Support System TM are such resources, firmly based on the concept, that tomorrow’s threats are today’s challenges!
Be sure to visit our monthly TSCM | SIGINT Newsletter for additional industry information.
Kestrel ® Enables the Detection, Collection, Localization, and Analytical Review of the Ambient Radio Frequency (RF), Power Line (PL) and Optical (Photonic) Spectrum Environment
Kestrel ® can be configured for application scenarios ranging from a stand-alone portable RF sensor to a network of multiple RF sensors for the remotely managed spectrum surveillance and monitoring coverage of large facilities or geographic areas.
A sophisticated User Interface (UI) enables a wide choice of Software Defined Radio (SDR) platforms to be configured with unlimited scalability and connectivity to virtually all commercially available and / or controlled-goods technologies.
Optimized to take advantage of the latest computer technology, Kestrel ® fully exploits the performance potential of the chosen SDR platform hardware beyond the intended design.
Sophisticated algorithmic intelligence and intuitive predictive logic are used to detect potential RF signals of interest and categorize them by detection type and harmonic relationship with advanced time and location-based filtering.
The technical operator has full command and control of the collection and analysis process for both operator attended and unattended deployments suitable for remote semi-permanent, or permanent site deployments.
We Invite You to Compare Your Existing Platform with the Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software
Core Technology (TSCM | SIGINT)
- Unrivaled features and functionality for defensive and offensive spectrum monitoring and technical surveillance activities.
- Compatibility with industry standard computer technology, and enables new computer technologies to be exploited as they become available.
- Compatible with a wide range of third-party commercially available SDR hardware platforms and spectrum analyzers to accommodate diverse budgets and application requirements.
- Kestrel ® is designed to operate over frequency ranges from near DC to 325 GHz to support tomorrows SDR radio technology.
- Supports real-time and post analytical spectrum analysis and reporting.
- Kestrel ® utilizes the fastest FFT algorithm that is currently available to ensure the widest possible processing bandwidth up to 165 MHz of real-time IF bandwidth.
- The included IQ Recorder supports the capture of IQ data including KIQ TM, CSV, and WAV formats.
- Additional IQ playback is supported for, XML IQ, DGZ and DGZM formats.
- The standard included IQ Recorder supports Time Reference Sub-Sampling (TRSS) TM technology providing the ability to resample IQ files for optimized focus of the signal of interest, band, sub-band or custom spectrum range of interest.
- Supports modular and scalable system architectures needed for demanding commercial, law-enforcement, government, military, space, and national security applications.
- Advanced deployment protocols for vehicle, marine vessel and aircraft inspections.
- A single system can be configured to support multiple radios, and these can be of different types, deployed across multiple spectrum bands with spectrum and demodulation hand-off capability.
- The visualization of RF propagation has been the dream of many TSCM professionals and is now a reality with the ability to visual RF propagation by means of a real-time wideband capture process that produces a geo-location heat map with our dimensional RF propagation modeling and RF visualization technology.
- Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software is available to Technical Security (TSEC) professionals worldwide.
- Kestrel ® SIGINT Professional Software is available to qualified government operators worldwide.
- No Kestrel ® feature is ever considered complete and each component of the software is subject to modernization and on-going feature improvement to meet tomorrows threat technology head-on.
- A powerful artificial intelligence-based spectrum learning mode for enhanced focus of hostile signal event detection.
- Hardware support for powerline analytics and geo-location heat mapping, utilizing our 3D Energy Probe (3DEP-10).
- Hardware support for Visible Light Communication (VLC) detection and analysis utilizing the Hawk-Eye TM Optical Probe Kit.
- Automatic software update tool keeps the software running at peak efficiency with the latest software features.
- Our Operator Deployment Log (ODL) TM supports multiple operator, date and time stamped deployment log entries.
- A powerful standards-based Inspection Summary Checklist (ISC) TM supports customized deployment checklists and supports auto entry at the ODL TM level.
- Next Generation Advanced Activity Event Scheduler (AAES) TM support for complex multiple radio, multiple spectrum band applications.
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) based Machine Learning using our powerful threat detection algorithm to allow Kestrel to train on the ambient radio-frequency spectrum.
Operator Centric User Interface (UI)
The operator centric, workflow based, User Interface (UI) enables unprecedented operational effectiveness by grouping and dynamically linking essential control elements and control groups up-front, making them easily accessible and intuitive to the operator.
All essential technical operator control groups are visible on the user-interface or directly accessible from the menu bar or the sidebar control group.
The Kestrel ® UI provides ease of use not found on competitive TSCM products or test and measurement equipment designed for engineering applications in a controlled laboratory environment.
Moreover, the system utilizes predictive logic and intelligent automation to minimize operational deployment complexity, thereby maximizing key performance metrics, such as the Probability of Detection (POD) and Probability of Intercept (POI) metrics.
Our advanced dynamic control linking, sophisticated artificial intelligence and predictive logic, provide recommended system settings that offer excellent performance in even the most demanding spectrum environments, while giving experienced operators the ability to optimize system settings for their target application manually.
Recent user-interface updates advance generational technology to include ultra-fast spectrum modelling of exceedance and burst detection resources with a measure of artificial intelligence.
Operator Defined File Naming Convention (FNC) Utility
The management of mission critical data is of top priority within a standards-based, operator centric TSCM | SIGINT environment. The FNC utility allows parameter-based custom file name conventions to be defined by the technical operator for most exportable and output files.
Automatic Project
Our new Automatic Project feature invokes a maximum effort runtime environment across multiple radios in less than 1 Sec after selecting the automatic project menu option!
RF Spectral Display (RSD)
The RF Spectrum Display (RSD) is an important tool for visualizing and interpreting signals. Basic forms of the traditional power versus frequency spectral display are useful for many engineering applications, but a more sophisticated display is needed to make sense of the complex RF spectrum found in many real-world scenarios.
Frequency hopping and other short duration transmissions often used by modern communications technologies pose special problems. The spectrum display benefits from extensive practical experience and provides an array of useful features and functionalities specific to the TSCM role.
The user can select options for spectral processing parameters, such as the choice of windowing function at the hardware and software level.
A wide variety of visual trace options are available to the technical operator, including a Real-Time Event (RTE) trace, a Peak Envelope Capture (PEC) trace and a Spectral Average (SAT) trace, are all available to enhance the Probability of Technical (POD) and minimize unwanted RF display clutter. The user can display or hide the RF Spectrum Display (RSD) as desired without interrupting, or otherwise affecting the data processing and collection.
Kestrel Reference Traces (KRT) TM
The ability to immediately capture, display and export any number of Kestrel Reference Traces (KRT) TM on the current spectrum display is fully supported. KRT TM files can also be imported from an operator maintained local KRT TM database to display progressive captures as a reference overlay. Technical operators are encouraged to capture and contribute working KRT TM files to the Global Spectrum Analysis Database (GSAD) TM maintained within the Technical Support Group (TSG) Resource Centre website.
Global Spectrum Analysis Database (GSAD) TM
GSAD TM is a powerful shared technical operator resource that is contributed to and maintained by deployed professional technical operators worldwide. GSAD TM is located within the password protected Technical Support Group (TSG) Resource Centre website. Operators can capture and export any number of band level Kestrel Reference Trace (KRT) TM files and submit them to for posting within the shared Global Spectrum Analysis Database (GSAD) TM. The database provides technical operators worldwide with access to spectrum reference files that can be imported into existing and historical Kestrel Project Files (KPF) TM.
Waterfall Display (WFD)
The waterfall display (WFD) is particularly useful for detecting and examining short duration signals including Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) and other burst signals. Using the real-time spectrum analysis mode, even the shortest duration signals can be reliably detected and their timing relationships examined.
The waterfall and spectra are recorded in real-time and provides the ability to immediately review signal events using our Live View Analysis (LVA) TM feature without interrupting the processing and collection functionality. All RF spectrum and waterfall data is captured and stored on the host computer, enabling the user to employ Live View Analysis (LVA) TM functionality for subsequent analysis.
The user has full and unrestricted control of the data collection process and can define multiple activity schedules to include deployment of the Delay Start Mode (DSM) TM, or the ability to collect spectral data for a specified period of time, allowing for multiple start and stop events to occur at the band or receiver level.
The default continuous mode permits the technical operator to continuously collect waterfall spectral data until the software is manually stopped by the operator. This capability allows the technical operator to playback specific spectral time events during runtime collection and for post-analysis.
Independent waterfall reference level scaling, another powerful tool, permits the technical operator to display the RSD and WFD at different reference level power settings, thereby enabling the color representation of the WFD to be optimized for signals of interest under review.
The user can display or hide the Waterfall Display (WFD) as desired without interrupting, or otherwise affecting the data processing and collection.
Zoom to Peak (Time)
The ability to zoom to the strongest signal event over time within the Waterfall Display (WFD) provides essential analytical information for the operator, particularly when time-periodic signal events intermittently occur during extended collection.
Floor Plan Import | LDSA TM | RDSA TM | TCP TM | DTAP TM |
One of the powerful standard features of the the Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software is the ability to import any type of floor plan, riser plot, geo-graphical map, 3D rendering, image or picture.
The floor plan import graphically interfaces with every location-based feature.
The same resource provides a unique Location Differential Signal Analysis (LDSA) TM overlay and advanced geo-location heat mapping for the Tap Capture Plot (TCP) TM and Dynamic Trace Autonomous Platform (DTAP-GPS) TM.
Multiple Spectrum Band (Tabs | Windows)
The ability of the user to define separate bands or frequency ranges of interest and assign a dedicated window to display the spectral information for each of these is another unique feature that is not found on competitive TSCM applications. Each user-defined frequency range can be viewed on a primary display monitor as a standard windows TAB, or viewed on a dedicated display monitor in a multi-monitor setup.
This ability to sweep and display multiple independent spectrum windows provides the user with multiple virtual spectrum analyzers, enabling the user to prioritize selected frequency ranges and maximizing the available spectral search speed.
For example, the operator can open and sweep any number of cellular uplink bands when performing live meeting monitoring assignments.
The TAB based Intelligent interface windowing control group enables the technical operator to easily setup, navigate, view and analyze, multiple instances of independent spectral data in a familiar windows style TAB based format. The ability to monitor the same band remotely on another display is also fully supported.
A wide range of global and independent viewing preferences can be set for each currently active spectrum window. The ability to quickly select and view any portion of a displayed ROI and open a new focused zoom window is fully supported utilizing the “Open New Band” selection tool, and enabling “SOLO” mode. The “SOLO” Mode adds an entirely new “sweep” gear, giving real-time priority to the new focused zoom window during runtime.
Multiple spectrum windows, allows a significant generational milestone for the cascaded operation of simultaneous radio-frequency and optical sources, across independent spectrum profiles. This innovative new technology was specifically developed for TSCM deployment of operator assisted, Remote Spectrum Surveillance and Monitoring (RSSM), and live event monitoring.
Spectrum Band Tab (Ordering)
The ability to selectively reorder the spectrum band tabs allows the technical operator order, group, separate, organize and manage multiple spectrum bands for clarity and increased situational awareness.
Complex mission critical deployment activities are realized as a part of our standards-based, operator centric methodology.
Spectrum Band Tab (Naming)
Professional software must include professional features and advanced capability. The technical operator can rename spectrum band tabs for clarity and increased situational awareness, for mission critical deployment.
Spectrum Profile File (SPF) TM
The Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software contains a powerful operator defined spectrum profile database resource to assist in the initial setup and runtime of a Kestrel Project File (KPF) TM. This powerful managed database brings clarity and reason to a complex mission driven process.
The ability to select, edit, delete, import and export mission critical spectrum profile information across any ITU-R is supported by a built in Spectrum Profile Editor (SPF) TM or via a standard CSV master file structure. Custom spectrum profiles can be defined by the technical operator for radio-frequency, power line, and optical requirements.
Quick Add | Multiple SPF Selection Resource
The “Quick Add” feature allows the technical operator to select multiple spectrum band profiles directly within the setup wizard, or during the runtime environment when adding a new spectrum band.
Horizontal Range Control (HRC) TM
HRC TM provides a unique precision navigation capability based on default and operator defined Spectrum Profiles (SPF) TM to quickly zoom into to defined bands, sub-bands and custom spectrum ranges.
The ability select custom analytical profiles ranges for advanced power line algorithmic geo-location and operator assisted, live view spectrum analytics.
Positional Zoom Control (PZC) TM
Navigating the RF spectrum has never been this easy! Using settings easily accessed from the Positional Zoom Control (PZC) TM window, the operator can easily navigate to and zoom in on a signal of interest. A right mouse click allows the operator select from a list of predictive logic zoom control options, based on the current CF displayed on the spectrum interface.
Kestrel ® Drag and Drop Technology (DDT) TM focuses the SOI at its center frequency with an automatic 20x zoom factor. A 100x double click zoom is also available to further focus attention on the SOI and a 200x zoom factor is accomplished utilizing the mouse wheel.
Our on-the-fly drag and drop capability, supports demodulation processing by selecting the SOI center frequency and selecting the demodulation menu option. The Kestrel ® spectrum control group supports the ability to set the CF, SPAN, START and STOP frequencies manually.
The ability of the Differential Signal Analysis (DSA) TM feature to display any multiple location based, peak trace and highlight differences is enhanced by the Positional Zoom Control (PZC) TM functionality. One can easily switch between viewing entire ROI or a specific SOI with a 200x zoom factor. This functionality enables even minor noise-floor amplitude differences to be readily discerned.
Our navigation control options are highly evolved and consider every possible scenario providing many navigation options at the application level.
Live View Analysis (LVA) TM
Our LVA TM feature provides a means for real-time operator analysis and review of continuous and intermittent signal events by navigating to any signal event during runtime.
Our LVA TM technology makes it possible to navigate to any historical spectra or waterfall event without the need to interrupt the data collection process, which continues to run in the background. The operator can move forward and backward on a trace by trace basis for absolute precision analytical analytics.
Additional tools allow the operator to locate the strongest occurrence of the SOI and our seamless Positional Zoom Control (PZC) TM and trace display options bring clarity and focus to the characterization of any historically recorded signal event during live collection or post analytical review.
This powerful analytical feature operates across all of the primary software features at the navigation level.
Differential Signal Analysis (DSA) TM
Under the DSA TM umbrella, three (3) very powerful resources provide unprecedented opportunity for the timely detection, identification, and localization of modern threat technology, simply not possible with competitive resources.
The software provides several powerful modes based on Location, Time, and Radio differential analytics.
Location Differential Signal Analysis (LDSA) TM
Our Location Differential Signal Analysis (LDSA) TM allow the operator to manually collect spectrum data for direct location comparative with technology dating back to the 1970’s within the military and found within many HP spectrum analyzers in the 1980’s. Although, location comparative is nearing obsolescence in a modern moving target threat model, the technique remains a viable option when utilized with time and radio differential techniques.
Advanced Location Groups (ALG) TM
Our LDSA TM, TDSA TM, and TCP TM allow the operator to build unlimited comparative analytical collection points. Our Advanced Location Groups (ALG) TM feature allow the selection of defined location groups for direct comparative analysis.
Load Compare Bands
The ability to import any shape spectra from any number of historical project files allows the operator to compare alternate sources of trace level peak data by importing shared or historical Kestrel Project Files (KPF) TM.
Time Differential Signal Analysis (TDSA) TM
Our Time Differential Signal Analysis (TDSA) TM offers a modern approach to the identifying modern threat technology without the inefficiencies of location trace analysis.
Receiver Differential Signal Analysis (RDSA) TM
Receiver Differential Signal Analysis (RDSA) TM provides enhanced comparative opportunities with our ability to drop in spectrum across all connected radios for a real-time view of the signal across multiple radios at multiple locations.
Echo (Decay) Mode | Live View DSA TM
This unique mode allows the technical operator to select any number of historical trace data sets for direct comparative against a live real-time reference trace.
The decay rate can be operator defined to address the type and speed of the radio deployed.
Demodulation Control
The sidebar demodulation control group provide all of the required one touch controls to quickly select signal events and engage the demodulator.
This function can be accomplished manually or via our unique drag and drop technology from all spectrum signal lists and tools.
Significant advancements have been implemented resulting in a powerful signal demodulation process within the application. Flexible software demodulators are included for AM, FM, SSB (USB | LSB), and CW signals, including a Morse Code decoder. Demodulation settings, including the Centre Frequency (CF), IF Bandwidth (IFB), and CF stepping make the demodulation process a simple task.
Demodulation Visualizer
The demodulation visualizer provides the operator with analytical quality visualizations and a selection of IF specific audio filter options, to optimize the demodulation performance for the signal of interest.
Demodulated signals (audio and IQ) can be recorded and played back, and examined using various real-time displays. Visualization resources provided within the demodulation control group include;
- RF Spectrum Display
- Audio Spectrum Display
- Spectrogram Heat Mapping Display
- 3D IF-FFT Spectrum Display
- IQ Diagram Display
- IQ vs Time Display
- RSSI History Display
- Analog RSSI Display
- Audio Oscilloscope Display
- AF Spectrum Display
The demodulation visualizer includes an RSSI Tone Locator (RTL) with multiple audio channel overlay to allow the live device audio, tone locator audio or both as output options.
The included Audio Oscilloscope Display (OSD) functionality provides a visual time domain rendition of the demodulated signals and provides gain control, Delta-T variation, time base, and triggering resources. The ability to decode CW mode unencrypted Morse Code transmissions and display the intelligence directly on the UI is supported. The AF Spectrum Display (ASD), fully supports the ability to analyze signal events, including the visualization of Sub-Carrier Audio (SCA) signals, and other unique signal features at the baseband level.
Demodulator Control SOI Capture Tool
This feature quickly allows the technical operator to capture the current demodulated frequency as a Signal of Interest (SOI).
NTSC | PAL Video Demodulation
The ability to decode, display and analyze over-the-air analog video signals is supported within the demodulation process.
The video decoder window provides the signal metrics and the ability to sample amplitude-modulated and frequency-modulated signal types in NTSC and PAL formats.
Synchronization (POS | NEG) is automatically resolved by the decoder.
TEMPEST Evaluation (Video Decoder)
The ability to evaluate TEMPEST related emanations for video displays, office equipment, computers, and audio-visual systems is realized with the Tap Capture Plot (TCP) TM option.
The Kestrel Geo-Location Heating Mapping process can be deployed to identify all emitters within the Operator Defined Target Area (ODTA) TM and those emanating into the Functional Target Area (FTA) TM.
The video-decoder can be utilized to confirm whether intelligence-bearing signals contain recoverable visual content.
IQ Recorder
Perhaps the most important component of the demodulation visualizer is the ability to manually capture IQ, playback IQ, loop IQ, and accomplish Time Reference Sub-Sampling (TRSS) TM.
IQ processing is identified as an essential best practice within the TSB 2000 (Technical) Standard TM.
Audio and IQ samples can be used to develop a user signal recognition database, for training purposes, and definitive evidence of threat signal activity.
The ability to capture Kestrel IQ (KIQ) TM, CSV IQ, WAV IQ provide powerful mission specific options for the technical operator.
Additional IQ playback modes include XML IQ, DGZM and DGZ formats.
Quick Capture | 10 Sec KIQ 
The technical operator can immediately invoke via a single button action; IQ capture during the demodulation process. This powerful feature allows the operator to capture events that might quickly terminate prior to the operator manually selecting an option from the IQ record menu structure.
Kestrel Wave Recorder (KWR) TM
The technical operator can capture an audio sample of any signal of interest during the demodulation process. The captured WAV file can be played back within the software.
Active Threat Detection Algorithm
Active threat detection modes include, our Minimum Detection Amplitude (MDA) TM exceedance capture with MDA TM lifetime management, Spectrum Baseline Logging (SBL) TM signal logging, a powerful Dynamic Alert Annunciator (DAA) TM, Harmonic Signature Threshold (HST) TM algorithm, and analog audio transmitter, Chirp Threat Mode (CTM) TM.
Utilizing the Harmonic Signature Threshold (HST) TM feature allows the technical operator to capture and flag harmonic relationships based on the detected fundamental signal event.
Our Kestrel Learning Mode (KLM) provides advanced artificial intelligence statistical threat modeling and a powerful burst detection model.
Chirp Threat Mode (CTM) TM
The detection of analog audio transmitter threat technology is supported utilizing an active audio Chirp Threat Mode (CTM) TM to chirp the target area and positively identify the presence of active, potentially hostile emitters. Our custom active audio chirp is designed to address audio frequency ranges associated with active device microphones that may be associated with analog audio transmitters.
Note: Our Technical Research and Standards (TRSG) TM has conducted significant scientific research and development experiments of the use of white and pink noise suitability for active device detection.
Our finding suggest that the use of white-pink noise is not advisable or recommended for TSCM deployment across most corporate, government, and military facilities as a means of transmitter detection as there are far too many competing white and pink noise sources.
Competing sources include HVAC system output, client installed noise cancelling technology and other sources that directly interfere with white-pink noise detection strategies.
Limitations based on the location and distance of the emitter from the detection system is a significant concern. The white and pink noise range ironically, is within the design noise-cancelling region of most wireless microphone elements and commercial broadcast transmitter technology.
Harmonic Signature Threshold (HST) TM
During the detection of analog audio transmitters, algorithmic analytics is performed to detect, identify and flag associated 2nd and 3rd harmonic events. Additional harmonic events H4 though H9 are also calculated and flagged relative to the displayed spectrum Range of Interest (ROI).
Minimum Detection Amplitude (MDA) TM
The ability to set an extended Above Ambient Noise Floor (AANF) TM baseline exceedance threshold provides the unique ability to better detect signal events across an extended Range of Interest (ROI).
The MDA TM threshold level is operator defined and can be setup for ABS or REL (default) modes.
Our powerful AI based machine learning allows the merging of local, historical, or Global Spectrum Analysis Database (GSAD) files to be deployment as a learned, live spectrum reference trace.
Signals the exceed the active threshold are appended to the MDA signal list and can be exported as a CSV file.
Signal Combining Technology (SCT) TM
Our unique SCT TM feature detects and flags wide band signal events based on default or operator defined parameters. When the operator defined MDA TM limit is exceeded, often only a portion of the signal will be capture.
This producing fragmented signal capture and numerous signal list entries. SCT TM resolves these signals by detecting and automatically combining them into a single center-frequency and bandwidth. Erroneous captures are flagged as ignored and identified as such on the MDA TM signal list.
Note: Although we do employ a measure of artificial intelligence and machine learning across the application, this is perhaps best described as “intuitive automation” that provides and integration of our 40+ years of operational deployment experience.
This extensive knowledge is imprinted in every line of source code and is part of the artificial intelligence interoperability that so many technical operators have positively commented on over the years.
Our intelligent Signal Combining Technology (SCT) TM is just one example, and is the first step in accurately characterizing wideband Signals of Interest (SOI). The SCT TM feature supports the accurate capture, measurement and display of wide bandwidth signals, eliminating nuisance noise floor fluctuations at the signal level by identifying and logging the events for operator review.
Our powerful geo-location heat mapping resources are yet another example of the application of low-level artificial intelligence within the Tap Capture Plot (TCP) TM and Dynamic Trace Autonomous Platform (DTAP-GPS) TM options.
Spectrum Baseline Logging (SBL) TM
This feature is designed to capture a clean signal list, without any active threat detection. The operator can quickly capture a detailed SBL TM list of all location specific target area signal events based on an operator defined Above Ambient Noise Floor (AANF) TM threshold.
The operator is able to save and clear the rendered signal list for each Location Differential Signal Analysis (LDSA) TM collection location.
Exported SBL TM signal list data is saved as a standard CSV file and can be rendered within the Session Report Generator (SRG) TM and the Advanced Report Generator (ARG) TM.
Kestrel AI Machine Learning Capability
AI based machine learning adds a powerful algorithmic, statistical modelling resource, to the currently multiple existing threat detection capabilities. This capability represents the 6th generational advancement within a standards-based threat detection environment and provides new channelized burst detection within what are the majority of signals encountered in a modern wideband signal environment.
The nature of modern signal characteristics, requires significant on-going technical research and scientific development to ensure that the operator applied threat modelling is meeting a high-expectation of Probability of Intercept (POI), and an acceptable level of operator Probability of Detection (POD), regardless of the complexity of the ambient RF spectrum environment.
Most competitive TSCM equipment resources simply rely on exceedance threshold only detection models, and fail to recognize that modern threat signals can easily evade this obsolete cold war era thinking. The Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software is uniquely different in approach. First we recognize that generational advancement is required on an on-going basis.
Second, our methodology is to combine the best technology possible into short generational advancements to ensure that the threat detection model progression is consistent with advancement in complex threat technology. Only Software Defined Radio (SDR) can achieve the necessary and timely response to meet evolving threat technology.
Our advanced statistical modelling capability adds an essential layer of threat detection capability that pro-actively modernizes an evolving threat detection technology environment, within a modern standards-based threat modelling platform.
Exceed Detect Model (EDM) TM
Exceedance only signal detection found in the vast majority of so-called TSCM products, no longer meets any acceptable level of due-diligence within a modern moving target threat model. In-fact, exceedance only detection can only detect 40 to 60 percent of the signals presented across a wideband range of interest.
The Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software utilizes enhanced techniques to overcome the limitations and our practice of implementing operator defined intelligent detection resources for the 1st and 2nd generation exceedance detection strategies.
The 4th generational achievement includes an advanced Exceed Detect Model (EDM) TM and Burst Detect Model (BDM) TM that includes an advanced spectrum training mode that autonomously responds and updates the detection model based on the unique ambient radio-frequency spectrum over time.
Our powerful combination of exceedance and burst detection parameters can be operator defined to work in tandem or independently to achieve results that are unique to the mission. The initial trained range is operator defined, relative to all available runtime traces, defined by the Kestrel Super Trace (KRT) TM count. This allows the software to build and algorithmically maintain a complex autonomous threat detection strategy.
Our powerful EDM-KRT merging feature allows the operator to include a second level of AI based machine learning as a starting point in the threat detection process. A learned spectrum is generated and merged with the EDM settings and fully integrated with the existing EDM functionality.
Burst Detect Model (BDM) TM
The KLM TM feature supports an ultra-fast channelized burst detection capability that supports an integrated and operator defined capability within the Kestrel Learning Mode (KLM) TM feature.
The Burst Detect Model (BDM) TM can be fully integrated with the Exceed Detect Model (EDM) TM to capture signals that exceedance only models simply cannot capture, or the feature can be operated totally independently, as can the exceedance model.
The BDM TM is the missing link between exceedance and failure to detect modern communication signal events that simple cannot be detected within an exceedance only architecture. The ability to capture channelized burst events that are low to the noise floor are now visualized, captured, filtered and analyzed by a powerful algorithmic response.
Kestrel Central Visualizer (KCV) TM | Remote Radio Management (RRM) TM | OPT KCV-RRM
The KCV-RRM TM platform can be installed across an entire facility, or deployed relative to critical infrastructure only, within a portion of a large facility.
The KCV-RRM TM platform can provide random, periodic, targeted, or 24/7/365 monitoring coverage. Kestrel Central Visualizer (KCV) TM provides Remote Radio Management (RRM) TM across a complex network of master and satellite access points that are fully integrated with the Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software application.
The KCV-RRM TM platform provides the ability to securely access one or more remotely managed satellite-embedded server-enabled radios that are connected to an end-user provided platform, or a supplied custom-provided and pre-configured Linux-based headless server hardware forming the basis of a powerful Remote Radio Management (RRM) TM resource.
The KCV-RRM TM platform supports mobile and fixed–station deployment as a standalone collection platform or a powerful remote C2 resource.
Operator Deployment Log (ODL) TM
The OLD TM is a fully integrated virtual digital assistant that allows progressive date and time stamped, operator tracked log entries, from the beginning to the end of the assignment. The ODL TM feature is resident at the project level and is available during post analytical review and report preparation. The ODL TM also accepts auto entry from operator completed tasks on the Inspection Summary Checklist (ISC) TM feature. The ODL TM supports multiple technical operator flagged log entries. The ODL TM resource can be used as a standalone tool or in conjunction with the Inspection Summary Checklist (ISC) TM.
Inspection Summary Checklist (ISC) TM
The ISC TM is a powerful multiple tab, operator defined checklist that can be configured for mission specific deployment, on-the-fly component based checklist building, and importing any number of pre-configured checklist types.
The ISC TM uniquely provide auto entries integration with the Operator Deployment Log (ODL) TM technology when deployed. The ISC TM feature can be used independently, or in conjunction with the ODL TM technology.
Technical operators can download a working example master checklist database from the technical support website.
Session Report Generator (SRG) TM
The SRG TM is fully integrated and allows for real-time, on-the-fly ad-hoc report generation in the standard Portable Document File (PDF) format.
The SRG TM allows the operator to capture plots of the RF Spectral Display (RSD) and Waterfall Display (WFD) data, for inclusion within the report. This resource provides the means to export a comprehensive RF based report that can be utilized as an attachment to a end-user report.
The Kestrel ® Project File (KPF), is an integral component of the overall project file management structure. It is also possible to export any of the threat or signal lists as a (.CSV) file format for editing, or analysis in third party productivity software.
The SRG TM functionality provides a level of sophistication never before seen within a TSCM | SIGINT specific software application.
Advanced Report Generator (ARG) TM
The ARG TM is a powerful standards-based Report Management System (RMS) TM that is expertly integrated into every aspect of the Kestrel ® application allowing the technical operator to build custom proprietary reporting solutions with extreme versatility.
The ARG TM resource is second to none in the industry and provides total control over the reporting process across the entire assignment as a template-based master report builder.
Our document tree structure, intuitive drag and drop technology, automatically generator formatting tools, allow the technical operator to custom define sectional information and include cover page, logo, data tables, images, pictures, spectra plots, text, sections, headings and sub-headings, automatic page numbering, across any conceivable report design and format required.
The importance of a standards-based report manager resource cannot be under-estimated in todays liability and litigation focused society. Comprehensive reports are yet another essential best practice as defined within the TSB 2000 (Technical) Standard TM.
Automatic Export Control (AEC) TM
Operators that deploy the software for remote monitoring applications benefit from the periodic export of all, or newly detected signal events based on operator defined time or trigger parameters.
The ability to define the automatically exported CSV signal list elements further refines the process and provides actionable RF intelligence. The AEC TM option also provides a powerful (triggered) IQ capability and separately allows the export of CSV Spectra and RSSI values.
Command Line Programing (CLP) TM
CLP TM is a powerful operator centric resource for extended or remote managed deployment.
The ability to define customized Email and SMS network alerts, trigger system actions such as Smart ECM and interface virtually all software programs, third-party demodulation, decoding and analytical applications is supported.
Operators can setup unique audio alerts across the application and event produce automatic screen shots based on triggered events.
Tap Capture Plot (TCP) TM
Finally! Now you can visualize RF with dimensional RF propagation modeling. This powerful capability has been introduced as a TSCM specific resource! Our TCP TM option includes the ability to import any type of image including floor plans, riser plots, maps, site plans, 3D rendering, images and photographs of the Operator Defined Target Area (ODTA) TM and the extended Functional Target Area (FTA) TM.
Support for unlimited imported maps for multiple level buildings or unique locations is supported.
The ability to render a geo-location heat mapping process provides evidence of all distributed energy sources as a function of localization.
Auto location sequencing provides all of the necessary capture and rendering process, subject to the capture locations selected by the operator.
TCP TM allows the operator essentially see RF via a powerful RF Visualizer (RFV) TM technology. TCP TM is a must have feature for every technical operator.
TCP Antenna Placement Distance (APD) TM
A powerful standards-based component of the Tap Capture Plot (TCP) TM resource is a powerful threat management tool that automatically defines the mission parameters based on basic operator defined threat parameters, time-on-target, and other unique considerations. This capability follows the TSB 2000 (Technical) Standard TM methodology, as an experience based deployment process.
3D | Dimensional TCP TM
A powerful feature of the Tap Capture Plot (TCP) TM resource is the ability to conduct horizontal and vertical deployment to determine the relative field energy adjacent too, above and below the Operator Defined Target Area (ODTA) TM and into the extended Functional Target Area (FTA) TM. The TCP TM feature has changed the way TSCM is conducted.
TCP-Power Line (PL) TM
A powerful new technology only available in the Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software, now makes it possible to utilize algorithmic geo-location heat mapping across the entire electrical power grid within the Operator Defined Target Area (ODTA) TM and any extended Functional Target Area (FTA) TM electrically significant appearance points.
Our optional 3D Energy Probe (3DEP-10) provides full integration with our power line analytical spectrum profiles at the application level.
Autonomous Measurement and Collection System (AMCS) TM | OPT AMCS
Our AMCS TM option is a very powerful API enabled backdoor into the Kestrel application. AMCS TM capability provides advanced users with the ability to build a powerful TCP/IP multiple site remote monitoring platform.
This capability is based on the end-users remote client. The AMCS TM option includes a powerful SDK with all the documentation, code examples and both console and a graphical remote client example.
The entire platform is based on a simple scripting technology that can be programmed to stream all measurement parameters via a TCP/IP network connection, or optionally, write to the remote host computer.
Dynamic Trace Autonomous Platform (DTAP-GPS) TM | OPT DTAP-GPS
DTAP-GPS TM is a specialized RF propagation modeling resource extension of our existing manually deployed Tap Capture Plot (TCP) TM capability. This option provides a fully autonomous GPS based geo-location heat mapping process for ground mobile, air and space applications.
This powerful option can dynamically update interactively with a network based real-time moving map, or can operate across a static reference map image. DTAP-GPS TM is utilized to capture and plot a wide search Range of Interest (ROI) bandwidth LDSA TM capture of the ambient RF spectrum environment.
The ability to include multiple bands of interest, such as control and talk channels, up-link and down-link spectrum blocks is fully supported. The ability to autonomously render a powerful geo-location heat mapping process across any captured bandwidth down to the channel level in both real-time and during post analytical analysis is now a reality.
Our operator centric control group simplifies the advanced field deployment setup parameters of the DTAP-GPS TM option.
Once the DTAP-GPS TM is programmed by the technical operator our OneTouch TM technology engages a fully autonomous collection process allowing the technical operator to give 100% focus on walking (backpack), driving (mobile) or flying (airborne), totally hands-free and hands-off.
Our OneTouch TM technology allows the DTAP-GPS TM process to be paused and restarted during the mission.
The ability to utilize the optional DTAP-GPS TM feature makes Kestrel ® a true high-flier for professional applications.
Our Remote Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) + Dynamic Trace Autonomous Platform (DTAP) + Global Positioning System (GPS) is a powerful wide area radio-frequency geo-location heat mapping resource for commercial, government, law-enforcement, military, search and rescue, protective operations, and tactical deployment.
The ability to deploy a tactical intercept solution across a large Operator Defined Target Areas (ODTA) TM with absolute precision, and geo-locate known and unknown Signals of Interest (SOI) quickly and efficiency is an unprecedented TSCM and SIGINT capability.
Kestrel Central Visualizer | Remote Radio Management (KCV-RRM) TM | OPT KCV-RRM
Remote Radio-Resource Management for Independent Radio Locations. The Licensing Costs for OPT KCV-RRM TM is Package Dependent. Please call for pricing details.
Digital Signal Protocol Visualizer (DSPV) TM | OPT DSPV
Our DSPV TM module is currently under-development and is expected to be available early 2023.
Automatic Threat List (ATL) TM
There are two (2) powerful signal list visualization resources available to the operator during runtime and post analysis review with all signal list data exportable to standard CSV format. Signal list data is also available for inclusion within our Session Report Generator (SRG) TM and our Advanced Report Generator (ARG) TM.
A sidebar ATL TM provides immediate report of all discrete signals identified and captured automatically and manually by the technical operator, including the frequency and signal level, with optionally viewable harmonic ID, dBc and dB ANF values.
Master Automatic Threat List (MATL) TM
A separate Master ATL TM window provides comprehensive signal information including any harmonic relationships, frequency (MHz), signal level (dBm), estimated bandwidth, dBc, dB ANF, dBm NF, dBm Avg, dBm Min, Chirp, Chirp Hits, Chirp Tests, detected date and time and location details.
The operator can also include a signal (identify) category, and enter field notes, relating to each observed signal. Signal events are placed on a uniquely color-coded tabbed table, and available on both the sidebar ATL and on the Master ATL TM for enhanced operator clarity.
Signal Profile Database
The advanced signal profile database display can be accessed via a pop-up menu or by double clicking on any project level signal list entry to display relevant signal level parameters, including any CTM TM detected harmonic relationships.
Signal List Export (CSV)
The technical operator is able to export individual signal lists, or utilize the export all option to append all available signal list content to a single CSV file.
Export CSV Spectra
There is a unique resource located in the Spectrum | Spectrum Set | menu structure used to define and export CSV Spectra based on start and stop file index parameters and the start and stop frequency range. It is also possible to assign any captured location as the export source.
This unique resource is utilized to build an operator-defined reference library of signal and band level spectrum signatures for signal analytics and operator training.
This feature allows operator targeted spectra to be captured, analyzed and graphed utilizing third-part productivity software. For example, when the CSV file is opened in Microsoft Excel (recommended) a powerful graphing capability is realized.
When the Spectra is cut and pasted into Microsoft PowerPoint (recommended), a powerful working signal database can be maintained.
Analytical Export Spectra (AES) Database TM 
Our AES TM database is a powerful global reference library of ITU-R spectrum signatures that can be used by technical operators to identify unknown or unfamiliar signals during the analytical process or used for operator familiarization and training.
The AES TM database is available to technical operators worldwide and is located within the Technical Support Group (TSG) Resource Centre website.
Operators can capture and contribute to the database, by submitting spectrum signatures, utilizing the Export Spectra resource and exporting specific Signals of Interest (SOI) to a CSV file format, for inclusion within the AES TM database.
The following image illustrates the export of an ATSC Digital TV signal. The operator trace-of-interest is 1537 bracketed by capturing traces 1536 to 1538 for an 4G | LTE signal, from 2.1100 GHz to 2.1300 GHz. The operator has captured a slightly wider guard band region from 2.1075 GHz to 2.1350 GHz for the submitted CSV file. Submitted files will be processed for inclusion in the AES TM database.
The capture and submission process is quick and easy during runtime or post analysis. The operator navigates to the trace of interest and invokes the Export Spectra resource.
Single Receiver Operation (SRO) TM
The ability to deploy the software utilizing a single radio permits allows for simplicity in deployment with considerable flexibility and system scalability as requirements change.
Our advanced Tap Capture Plot (TCP) TM feature allows the operator to deploy a single radio geo-location heat mapping capability for ultimate portability using USB 3.0 connectivity on a tablet computer for walk-about convenience.
Dual Receiver Operation (DRO) TM
The ability to actively deploy a primary and secondary search, or hand-off receiver, provides the technical operator with a wide range of advanced deployment, TSCM | SIGINT specific functionally. When dual receivers are available, the ability to demodulate a Signal of Interest (SOI) is possible without interrupting the collection process as would occur with a Single Receiver Operation (SRO) TM.
DRO TM is identified and defined as an essential best practice under the TSB 2000 (Technical) Standard TM.
Multiple Receiver Operation (MRO) TM
The (optional) ability to augment a primary receiver with multiple additional secondary search or hand-off receivers is ideal for managed, Remote Spectrum Surveillance and Monitoring (RSSM) TM assignments.
Hand-off receivers can be of different types to better cover application requirements and / or accommodate cost constraints.
An example configuration of three receivers, might include a Signal Hound (SM200B) 100 kHz to 20 GHz and a Signal hound BB60C (9 kHz to 6 GHz) for real-time demodulation and analysis without interrupting the SM200B collection process, and another Signal Hound BB60C (9 kHz to 6 GHz) to simultaneously monitor the target area Power Line (PL) for compromise.
SDR Hardware Support
The Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software supports a wide range of Software Defined Radio (SDR) and a number of spectrum analyzer-based front ends. Supported low cost receivers include the Signal Hound SA, BB and SM series receivers with frequency coverage up to 20 GHz.
Kestrel Support Profiles (KSP) TM are available for select SDR hardware.
- Anritsu
- Keysight
- Rhode & Schwarz
- SDRPlay
- Shearwater TSCM (Merlin)
- Signal Hound
- Tektronix
- ThinkRF
- Kestrel Lightning (KL Series)
For professional applications requiring ultra-fast spectral search speed and the ability to accurately capture of IQ signal data for wideband signals, the Signal Hound SM200 family of receivers are an excellent choice for TSCM and SIGINT applications.
Custom development of software support for additional search receivers and spectrum analyzers is available. Please contact of office for information.
Dynamic Radio Hand-Off
The Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software provided the first introduction of industry leading dynamic radio hand-off of the live spectrum, demodulation, and analysis functions, across any number and type of supported SDR hardware technology is an extremely versatile TSCM | SIGINT capability and continues after a decade to lead the way in multiple radio, multiple band operation that is agnostic of radio manufacturer and type.
Our precision dynamic hand-off algorithmic process, cleanly provides on-the-fly synchronization across all connected radios. The ability to assign or restrict spectrum, demodulation and analysis functions for each radio is supported.
Vector Signal Generator (VSG60A) Integration
The Signal Hound (VSG60A) Vector Signal Generator hardware is fully supported by the software providing the ability to invoke remote-satellite intrusion detection and system verification via a network connection with the remote site.
RF (Antenna) Switch Support
Built-in operator controlled support for third-party USB 2.0 connected RF (Antenna) Switch hardware, with (2-Port), (4-Port) and (6-Port) options is available. Switches can be locally controlled from the host computer or via Remote Desktop Software (RDS), or across a Fiber-Optic Remote.
GPS Rx Support
The Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software provides advanced support for USB GPS receiver hardware and permits the capture of the latitude and longitude coordinates automatically or manually across various standard included features and optional software modules.
Geographical GPS coordinates can also be entered manually when a GPS signal is not available, such as when working indoors, or underground.
GPS coordinates are also utilized for plotting FCC, IC and AU frequency database reference mapping and is required for the Dynamic Trace Autonomous Platform (DTAP-GPS) TM capability.
Multiple GPS Location Sources
Any connected GPS source can be utilized by the software and can be selected manually by the operator. All active GPS sources are displayed and can be selected.
For example, when several GPS equipped radios are connected, the location sources dialog window will display the status of each GPS source.
Advanced Signal Intelligence Database (ASID) TM
The Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software includes a sophisticated multiple level database providing the ability to search supported global licensing databases of radio frequency transmitters across the United States of America, Canada and Australia.
Search and query features provide geographical reference searches and Free Space Power (FSP) searches.
Frequency Database (FDB) TM
Official licensing database content is available off-line and can reside on the host computer for search and rendering within the software.
There is a automatically scalable spectrum display overlay with accompanying record level details. The ability to select location parameters against FSPL calculations provide a means of bearing and distance to and from the station, based on multiple location triangulation for signals of interest.
The FDB TM record data provides a coordinate-based means of plotting the resulting licensing data on a live network map and capture a detailed scaled reference plot showing the TX and RX stations.
Operator Signal List (OSL) TM
Our Operator Signal List (OSL) TM is fully integrated with the ASID TM and offers unprecedented functionality, permitting instant comparative analysis across multiple project files at the operator level.
The OSL TM feature allows the technical operator to generate any number of reference database files, maintain multiple mission critical reference files, and recall and display signal entries against the current real-time RF Spectrum Display (RSD) as a graphical overlay with the press of a button.
Operator Frequency Database (OFD) TM
Our Operator Frequency Database (OFD) TM technology allows the technical operator to build a powerful custom Frequency Database (FDB) compatible file, based on a uniquely formatted CSV file structure and render the included data for display as an overlay on the main spectrum display by anticipated free-space power, frequency and bandwidth.
The custom-user OFD TM database displays the same way as the official licensing FDB TM database overlay and can be imported directly from CSV along with the official licensing database files.
The formatted OFD TM records can be displayed for each custom database entry and includes the ability to show the location on a network map and generate a static orientation map of the Tx and Rx sites.
The OFD TM can be used for any strategic mission critical purpose, and include restricted frequency allocations to supplement the public versions of the frequency licensing databases, or to render official licensing databases that are not currently supported within the Kestrel TSCM Professional Software.
Dynamic Spectral Range (DSR) TM
The DSR TM capability, taps into, and supports any official and unofficial (protected) spectrum allocation data from any available source, across the entire electro-magnetic spectrum from DC to 300 GHz.
The DSR TM resource is future ready for the next generation of innovative SDR hardware as it becomes available. Invoking a | PZC | IZC | zoom focus relative to the | FMin | FMax | will result in the display of the spectrum band annotation details.
When large spectrum gaps across the Range of Interest (ROI) are present for the current | PZC | IZC | zoom factor, the window will display “No Ranges to Display”.
Insta-Zoom Control (IZC) TM
The innovative IZC TM feature allows the technical operator to instantly mouse left-click and drag + select zoom, to immediately enter a display zoom factor, directly on the DSR TM window.
The full range of powerful existing PZC TM resources are also, can be used across the application, including on the DSR TM window.
A powerful on-the-fly DSR editor allows for on-display management of DSR ranges and bands, as they are discovered or relevant to the TSCM or SIGINT mission.
Dynamic Alert Annunciator (DAA) TM
The Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software includes a fully integrated Dynamic Alert Annunciator (DAA) TM that includes unlimited automatic signal event detection across multiple search receivers or analyzers, as well as multiple band allocations, or any technical operator defined Range of Interest (ROI).
Our unique RED | GREEN visual indicator and audio alert capability provides a true GO | NO GO verification for live facility monitoring and SCIF environments.
The ability to detect signal loss and exceedance threshold limits, resulting in generated alerts, can be programmed independently to support and powerful operator-based analysis. Each alert zone is an independent detection resource supporting operator defined absolute and relative modes across the spectrum.
DAA Mini-Display
The ability to invoke a DAA TM status display directly on the UI is supported.
This resource provides direct operator access to the primary DAA TM control window and signal list.
DAA TM Alert Zones
Our DAA TM alert zone technology is a powerful exceedance and loss trigger with operator programmable, absolute and relative detection modes that are fully integrated with the dimensional geo-location heat mapping capability.
The ability to build a series of independent signal-level or band-level detection zones is fully supported for both exceedance and signal loss events across the entire spectrum range of interest.
Autonomous Alert Focus (AAF) TM
Our Autonomous Alert Focus (AAF) TM capability is a powerful resource utilized during managed Remote Spectrum Surveillance and Monitoring (RSSM) TM applications to automatically focus the operators attention for important DAA TM alerts across multiple alert zones, multiple floor plans and tune the geo-location heat map to the correct frequency and bandwidth as well as select and display the alert on the appropriate heat map.
Harmonic Calculator Tool (HCT) TM
Our harmonic and sub-harmonic calculator provides the ability to drag and drop any frequency to or from the calculator to focus any frequency as a 20x zoom factor.
The harmonic calculator provides harmonic calculation of H2 to H9 and 1/H2 to 1/H9 based on an operator defined center-frequency. The HCT TM provides the ability to select and display harmonic value spectrum display flags.
Universal Signal Calculator Tool
A universal translator based on value substitution to render the missing elements is provided to convert common RF reference values.
Conversion factors include dBW, dBm , mV/FS, mV/75R, mV/50R, Watts, mW, and uW for use or consideration across the application.
System Resource Monitor (SRM) TM
Our System Resource Monitor (SRM) TM is a host computer performance evaluation tool, active memory monitor and storage drive health resource.
The SRM TM provides a low storage warning visual alert and sets a limit on collection, subject to operator defined limits.
Differential Measurement Tool (DMT) TM
Our DMT TM provides the ability to quickly determine the differential for frequency, dBm and time. The DMT TM resource is available for the Real-Time Event (RTE), Waterfall Display (WFD), Differential Signal Analysis (DSA) control groups and is implemented within the Demodulation Visualizer for the Audio Oscilloscope display.
Event Activity Scheduler | Controller
The software includes a operator defined activity event scheduler that can be utilized to independently start and stop any spectrum band across any radio to control any number of spectrum band capture activity. This capability is accessed during the setup wizard programming for the current project and provides a quick method of defining basic event activity.
Next Generation Advanced Activity Scheduler | Controller 
The Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software application also includes our next generation of advanced activity event scheduler (mission controller) that is accessed within the application to allow advanced scheduling of complex event schedules to be build, edited, reordered and deleted, across any number of runtime radio hardware types, and all independent spectrum bands operating across multiple radio hardware.
Auto Restart
The auto restart command provides a means to automatically restart the application and last running project file. A crash, computer update, or operator reboot command will initiate the auto restart protocol.
Project Templates
The ability to create, edit, select and delete any number of operator defined working project templates is fully supported at the software level. The ability to same the current project as a template is also supported.
Display Profiles Database
The ability to assign any number of unique spectrum display profiles is supported. This allows the operator to select complex display options from a simple menu rather than manually creating display views each time they are required.
Kestrel GOV Professional Software (Government Only)
Professional Development TSCM Group Inc., is please to announce the release of our government only GOV software. Our initial release includes all of the standard TSCM functionality and a powerful new SIGINT features and functionality. The Kestrel GOV Professional Software is our latest disruptive technology. Our government only version of the software is as unique as our TSCM platform.
The Kestrel GOV Professional Software is will change the way RF analytics is conducted globally. Our government only software development and our engineering group continue to make industry disruptive break-through discoveries with our extensive Canadian research and development process.
Our extensive government client base, asked for some SIGINT capability and we responded with a powerful government only version that provides unique focused resources in addition to all of the existing TSCM resources. The best of both worlds, in a single deployable software defined radio technology, with mission specific hardware.
There are many similarities between TSCM and SIGINT deployment, however, there are many aspects of SIGINT and EW applications that are uniquely different. The Kestrel SIGINT Professional Software addresses these differences with powerful resources for the technical analyst. There must be a symbiotic relationship between the technical operators who field manage the collection and the technical analyst’s that must extract the needle from the haystack.
Kestrel TSCM and SIGINT releases remove the haystack, not try to find the needle in the haystack. The Kestrel brand is all about the technical operator. Manage large systems without the typical high cost of procurement, with systems that are supported by excellent global technical support and the best technical training in the industry.
Advanced Project Management (APM) TM
A powerful new project management resource is the defining difference between the TSCM and SIGINT versions of our software. The ability to manage the project level file structure, create ad hoc analytical projects, and strong file archival capability across large globally deployed Remote Spectrum Surveillance and Monitoring (RSSM) platforms.
Advanced Radio Recovery (ARR) TM
The ability to automatically detect radio communication loss and initiate a recovery process to bring the radio back on-line is a unique and powerful capability.
Hot Swap Radio (HSR) TM
A universal hot (and cold) radio swap capability is a function of the advanced radio recovery feature and brings another powerful capability to the SIGINT version. Now you can disconnect a radio, and replace it on-the-fly.
Spectral Energy Direction Finding (SEDF) TM
Another powerful resource is a uniquely designed direction-finding tool that is based on spectral energy localization of both wideband and targeted signals of interest.
Kestrel Metadata Exporter (KME) Utility
Professional technical operators have the ability and option to export our proprietary Kestrel IQ (KIQ) files and export the metadata to a working CSV file format for deep dig analytics of large capture files.
We have extended this powerful feature to accommodate the extraction of metadata from the proprietary non-human readable Kestrel Spectrum Data (KSD) band files to support export to the CSV file format.
These are powerful professional resources for professional mission specific applications that require deep dig analysis of big data.