Operator Comments

 Operator Comments

Operator comments are welcome as are any negative impressions. We fix problems and boast about our successes! See what people are saying about the Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software | Signals Intelligence Support System (SISS) TM and our innovative industry disruptive Total Energy Capture (TEC) TM business model.

Since the official release of the Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software, technical operators from around the world have been responding with their positive comments, thoughts and experiences after utilizing our software, or attending a product demonstration or having completed our Certified Technical Operator (CTO) TM or Certified Government Technical Operator (CGTO) TM certification training sessions.

We are extremely pleased to be able to post many of these comments for your review, and encourage technical operators to submit comments and your collective shared experiences with your professional colleagues and business connections.

We are happy to pass along operator comments as posted below when received.



Paul, firstly I would like to say how much I enjoyed the week and your presentations. Your team was extremely helpful and knowledgeable and the overall week was a great education for me and I am sure the others felt the same. I have already started putting together some proposals for clients utilizing some of the features that you demonstrated.


Thanks for your training this week gents. I enjoyed getting on the tools and back in touch with the latest features of the software. Feel free to keep me informed of any software updates going forward as I will remain a key [ Kestrel ] organizer. Happy to beta test new features.


Wow! Kestrel is a very powerful application Paul, I have never seen anything like this before. I should have purchased this years ago. The new TDSA feature is an unbelievable achievement and it is no wonder that your competition gets defensive, on mentioning the word “Kestrel”.


Our client tells me that he is very pleased with their purchase of the Kestrel TSCM Professional Software. I would like to express my appreciation for your quick response for the Activation Security Key (ASK) for our client’s system. It was a great help and clear indication to them that you provide very good support.


I now have Kestrel and the dual display monitor working on the apple, how awesome is that?


I just downloaded the latest software. Wow! The new features are impressive indeed. Bravo.


Your technical support is awesome, I had only hit the send button with my email support problem and before I was able to blink, someone logged in via RDS, fixed the problem, and logged off again. This left me rather surprised, but then received a follow up email explaining what I was doing wrong, go figure, operator error! Everything is running great! Bravo Paul


Thank you for the awesome [Technical] support last week. I am very impressed with your knowledge and experience, in getting to the heart my computer challenges. I struggled with the problem for hours, and I am more than a little embarrassed by your fixing the problem in just 2 minutes after logging on to the computer. Thanks for your help, next time you will be the first call for help.


2020-09-23 | You are taking TSCM to another level. Tap Capture Plot (TCP) is really an incredible feature. I have to update my software and I would like to purchase OPT TCP.


2020-09-23 | Frigging amazing Paul, I really appreciate the time you have put in to providing this feature and the training, learning lots!


2020-10-07 | I used Tap Capture Plot (TCP) just the other day, works really well!


2020-10-21 | Hey Paul, yet another fantastic training session! Love your work!


2021-01-03 | Paul, Thank you for the wonderful training the past 6 months. It was an amazing opportunity and our entire team appreciates the amount of work involved. Looking forward to your next visit to Australia!


2021-06-16 | Paul, thanks again! Another awesome learning experience…


2021-06-16 | Thank you for the amazing [training] session!


2021-09-08 | Fantastic, really loving what you guys do!


2022-02-11 | Hey Paul, really interesting and informative [All Things Kestrel | Virtual Classroom] and right on the money for what we’re trying to do…


2022-11-19 | Hey Paul, Great work fixing that Signal Hound [API] feature! That’s why we like you guys! Cheers…


2023-01-20 | Really enjoyed the training this week, I see I have a lot to learn to get to you level of knowledge! Thanks…


2023-06-21 | The [new] Auto Project [feature] is a game changer…






Kestrel is now our primary tool for in-place facility monitoring. The latest features are awesome.


Thank you for your fast and efficient technical support Paul. As Always!


Once again your excellent technical support saved the day. Hard drive failures are never fun! I was impressed at the rapid response to our CRC request for a new ASK on our primary laptop. Do you ever sleep?


I am really impressed by the ability of your product (Kestrel) to seamlessly bring common compatibility to Anritsu and Signal Hound receivers. We use both in the field and Kestrel software brings to life the best of both hardware types.


2020-10-22 | Paul, you use the term innovation a lot, never believed it until attending the virtual training class last night with our team. Thank you for the private invitation. Your approach of a modern moving target threat model is powerful and refreshing. Please pass on my gratitude to you entire team.


2020-10-25 | Just had our first find with the Kestrel system. Our other system did not detect the emitter. Now I wonder how long the emitter was active before we started using Kestrel. We need training as soon as possible.


2021-09-13 | Thank you for the excellent tech support yesterday. You got me up and running so fast I still don’t know how you did it!!!




I do not know how I have lived my entire adult life without Kestrel TSCM Professional Software, thank you for brightening up the second half of my lively hood. The Software Programming and Operation Manual you wrote for the software must of took you a lot of time, you are my HERO! As soon as I buy a new color laser printer, I will print it out in color and bind it professionally.


This software is awesome! I have been running the Kestrel TSCM Professional Software for extended live event monitoring, bravo. The GUI is the best that I have ever seen in my 23 years as a sweep team lead. The session report generator features are absolutely unbelievable. I have never seen anything like this before.


Wow! Your experience shows in every feature. The software manual is incredibility detailed. We have outfitted our entire sweep team with your Kestrel TSCM Professional Software Rapid Deployment Kits. The Live View Analysis (LVA) is a dream come true.


This is a technological masterpiece. Outstanding! Finally, a low cost full featured electronic sweep kit. Our entire team will be attending the next operator certification training.


Mr. Turner, this software is a masterpiece; simply outstanding! Finally, a low cost full featured spectrum analyzer kit! I can’t wait to get the next release.


Congratulations to you and your team, Paul! Amazing job so far. Can’t wait for the next revision.


Our company has been using the Kestrel for over a month. It is truly a work of black box art. We plan to purchase an Anritsu Spectrum Master (20 GHz) as soon as Kestrel support is available.


Since I started training with the Kestrel TSCM Professional Software v1.20-RC3 it has been a highly unrivalled experience. Every time I use it I find a new praise worthy option.


I give Kestrel TSCM Professional Software a 5 star rating and it would make a great addition to everyone’s sweep kit.


Thanks Paul, I can’t wait to try out the new release.  I can’t wait for the training also. See you soon.


The ASID FDB is truly another huge milestone and it works excellent. Congrats on making this happen, I know this was a important next step in simplification of signal determination and increased ability to evaluate origin, distance and strength. Guys!!! Awesome advance, get the updated version downloaded ASAP.


Congratulations to you and Andrzej. The latest release has so many new tweaks and features, I might need to study the user-manual for weeks. Kestrel is a pleasure to operate.


Paul, there has never been anything like Kestrel. Admittedly, I never thought Kestrel would replace my expensive kit, but after attending the training, Kestrel far exceed my highest expectationsA am now looking to add a Signal Hound BB60C as a second receiver. It was a pleasure working with you and AndrzejKestrel delivers as advertised!


Wow! Paul and Andrzej Where do you find enough hours in a day to deliver the intense training programs, develop software of this magnitude, and run the CTSC conference? Kestrel is amazing and is without doubt the best TSCM spectrum analyzer product on the market. Please let me know as soon as the new [ Signal Hound ] SM200 is available.


Thank you for the IQ Recording and Playback mode feature. You say this is only the first release? I can hardly wait to see where you are taking this capability! Waiting with anticipation!


Thank you for your help in getting the receiver repaired. Your attention to getting us back up and running is greatly appreciated. Your assistance in helping us update the [Kestrel] software was great. I did not realize how many new features were added since the last update.


2020-11-03 | Paul, thanks for your help in pulling this together. As usual, what you and your team are doing is quite fascinating!


2021-09-12 | Kestrel is amazing! I have never seen a product with this level sophistication The Signal Hound you recommended is equally impressive and like nothing I have ever seen before. Excellent TSCM resource!


2022-02-09 | The new [ Kestrel ] features just keep rolling in – Well Done!


2022-02-09 | Absolutely brilliant! Thank you for putting the focus on alert feature on show today, very impressed Paul… 


2023-01-15 | Paul you continue to innovate solutions for the ever emerging threat environment. Congrats on your progress!




Paul, thank-you for the technical support session, everything is up and running as expected and we are very happy with the ease with which the software operates. Looking forward to sitting on the training.


Just installed Kestrel, wow! Paul, you and your team should be proud of your accomplishment. I have seen a lot of software, but never anything like Kestrel. Our ability to sweep 43 GHz using Kestrel is awesome.


2021-09-09 | Thank you for the fast turn-around on the software and antenna. Our client was impressed how fast you accommodated their urgent need.




2021-01-24 | The Kestrel software works wonders! Thank-you for the opportunity to join the course last week, it was truly interesting and useful for me. You have introduced an interesting device, which I would like to purchase. It was the Model: 3DEP-10 [Power Line Energy Probe Kit].




2023-10-20 | I just wanted to say that your software is the amazing and the best I every have seen. I am really impressed with the product and looking forward to using it…




I have been using another software based spectrum analyzer resource. I compared their performance today and am amazed by the speed of the Kestrel TSCM Professional software which detected the analog transmitter through CTM in hardly five minutes. The other system took quite some time to evaluate the logged frequencies manually. Worth the money spent on Signal Hound and Kestrel Professional Software.


During a recent sweep of one of the GSM service provider in India, I detected an audio transmitter in their board room. There was no difficulty in finding it, though it had been carefully hidden. Long live Kestrel!


I just updated to Windows 10 OS. Kestrel runs smooth and efficiently. Thank you for the excellent technical support. You are always well ahead of the game when we have support questions. My colleague was amazed, during a recent TeamViewer support session, watching you work through our laptop issue.


2023-06-21 | Since you were running out of time [today], I couldn’t thank you enough. It was a very enlightening session.




I have been hearing about Kestrel for a few years and finally was able to get a demonstration from another agency. Thank you for answering all my questions yesterday, very impressed with Kestrel. I have recommended that we order a few licenses for integration into our SIGINT application. Thank you for the heads-up on the SM200A and R5500 options.


Thank you for your time today, Paul. I was not expecting a response to my email so fast, the software is now up and running, and I have now turned my attention to the extensive information in the users manual. Looking forward to the training.




Dear Paul, The Kestrel software installation worked as a German Mercedes Benz. No Problem at all. Kind Personal Regards.


Congratulation on the latest software.  It is Great!


I have been working with Kestrel and am very happy. Also surprised about all the features it has. Congratulations!


2020-10-07 | My eyes were wide open during your power line algorithmic heat mapping virtual classroom presentation!


2020-10-07 | TCP: Is like giving a blind person the ability to see – Thank you!


2020-10-25 | And again, I have to repeat it. Thank you for the great innovations!


 New Zealand

New Zealand

Paul, as usual, each new release provides greater depth of functionality.


Great job guys! Our client was so impressed with the remote monitoring last week, they have asked for a quote on a permanent infrastructure install for a new corporate office scheduled to be commissioned this summer. The fiber-optic capability did an amazing job, and frankly, the real-time analysis demonstration from Canada was totally impressive!


Another Success Story! Kestrel detected a cellular transmitter during a 2 week monitoring session. I was shocked at how obvious the Kestrel SW displayed the FHSS signal from the transmitter over time at n=100 compression. It took only minutes to review the just over 310 hours of spectrum and was amazed that pressing the WBC button, allowed the ID of not only the operating transmitter, but the polling burst captured over time. I am convinced that I made the right decision in purchasing the Kestrel SW. Please let me know when you next training workshop is scheduled, I would like to reserve attendance.


2023-06-21 | Very Interesting [training]; thank you for your opportunity to join in.




2021-01-23 | We have finally tested the whole [Kestrel] system in our lab, and I must say I am very impressed. We have some R&S analyzers that we compared them with and the BB60C seems more precise. The software is of course out this world – more innovative, so we feel we get a ton more info as we go along. Thank you! And remember, this is before training. We hope to achieve superpowers after the training…




Thank you for the technical support for my receiver, the driver is working now and Kestrel is happy. If you come to my country, I would like to attend training. I am sorry I missed the UK training.




The latest version works great from what I’ve tested, great job and very good user manual. Thanks for further improvements to Kestrel.


I had not updated my software since January, big mistake Paul, the new features are mind blowing. I will be checking for updates from now on. The new IF Broadband (IFB) tool is really something. I have never seen anything like this on my [ name of competitive product removed ]. Kestrel is like having several different RF tools in a single package. I have heard there is a new Signal Hound receiver coming, can you share any details?

PAUL: The new receiver is the Signal Hound SM200A Spectrum Monitoring Receiver with a 100 kHz to 20 GHz bandwidth, and has an IF Bandwidth of 160 MHz.

PAUL: However, the most exciting part of this announcement is the industry disruptive sweep speed at 20 GHz / Sec at 1 kHz RBW, 160 GHz / Sec at 10 kHz RBW, and 1 THz at 30 kHz RBW.


Thank you for the [training] session, very excited about Burst Detection, and ability to filter bursts as opposed to having to look at each burst as it occurs. Thank you, see you next time




2020-12-28 | Mr. Turner, Very good training opportunity, thank you for the invitation, we were very impressed with your knowledge and your refreshing approach. Looking ahead to the next round of online sessions.


 United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Kestrel TSCM is one of the most significant and refreshing TSCM products that I have ever seen and the competition should be very concerned.


After visiting the PDTG exhibit, I have asked our agency to place an order for your software. Thank you for the extensive demonstration of the product, I was very impressed with Mr. Turner’s knowledge and experience. I am looking forward to working with Kestrel software, it is the most refreshing concept I have ever seen.


I downloaded the latest version this past week. Your software team is to be congratulated once again in doing the near impossible. The CSV export tool is just what we were looking for.


Your software is just the ticket we have been looking for. We have looked other products and were just not impressed with the products presented or the sales people. Your straight-forward openness and professional knowledge have given us confidence in your ability to satisfy the requirements of our project.


Thank you for the awesome training experience in London this past week. You and Andrzej should be very proud of your accomplishment. Our team was very impressed with not only your software, but also your passion and knowledge as an instructor, while putting us through the paces, during the training.


Thank you for the training day in the UK, your thoughtfulness in looking after us with support and training, must be a challenge for you and your staff. Thank you for getting my laptop up to date with the new software. We have a number of potential customers interested in your software, and have no reservations in recommending your product.


Paul, I just wanted to thank you for the training in London last week. I was surprised to see a full house. This is a true testament to the work you are doing. Please sign me up for the next training in the UK, I will be there!


Thank you for accommodating our team in London. The venue was excellent, the food was great and you and Andrew were helpful in answering our questions. It was extremely helpful to have our supervisor present to gain first hand experience with the software this time around. We are moving into the next phase of our program and will be purchasing more Kestrel systems soon.


Kestrel v1.33.8 is amazingly stable, we have sites with over 25 Million scans run and it hasn’t missed a beat!


Thank you for the very intriguing Kestrel demonstration. You clearly have a very compelling business case for our project and I will be in contact soon to discuss getting a few licenses for internal review.


Thank I have never seen anything like Kestrel Paul, it is the subject of positive conversation across a number of our partner agencies. We are pushing forward to replace our current gear. Thank you for sharing the news about the Signal Hound SM435B in the works for next year.


 United States of America

United States of America

The kestrel TSCM Professional Software is better than the classified software that we currently utilize. It is obvious that the kestrel TSCM Professional Software was designed by an operator and not an engineer.


The new kestrel TSCM Professional Software is such an improvement over the original SISS software (and that was great as well!). The sweep speeds are greatly improved, and the GUI is a dream come true! The software is running extremely well & very stable. I have yet to have a crash, and I have already utilized the software on several assignments, with excellent results. I will definitely be sharing my findings and recommending the new Kestrel TSCM Professional Software to my associates and colleagues. Thank you so much.


Kestrel TSCM Professional Software, Quite Amazing. This software is truly amazing.


This resource will prove itself to be a very important asset to professional sweep teams, as technical surveillance threat’s continue to evolve. The 12.4 GHz SDR receiver, deployed with the Kestrel TSCM Professional Software will be an excellent low cost addition to any professional sweepers kit. The software in itself is quite a remarkable accomplishment. Keep up the great work.


I am looking forward to installing the Kestrel update & the new 12 GHz Signal Hound. I really believe this is going to be a game changer.


The new Kestrel software is amazing! You have really done well Paul, and it shows my friend. Please keep up the great work.


The new Floor Plan DSA is AWESOME!!! Great job my friend. I am REALLY looking forward to the new release.


Paul’s Kestrel software is the hot ticket. I give the Kestrel TSCM Pro software five stars my friend. You will absolutely love it. I just wish Paul would come out with it for the OSCOR too. Give Paul a call and order your Kestrel TSCM Pro software today, I promise you the next time we see each other, you will thank me.


I am just now slowing down long enough to begin using the new software release, it is nothing short of AMAZING. Excellent job my friend. This release is really going to change things, regarding operator friendly TSCM spectrum analysis. BRAVO for a job well done.


Great job Paul! Already downloaded the FDB and it works like a champ! Truly excellent.


Paul’s Kestrel software is nothing short of amazing!


Hello Paul, Congratulations on your success with Kestrel. I am grateful for all the help given to me in your professional training programs at the Resident Training Centre ( RTC).


Paul, Your development team is awesome. Thank you! The Spectra export tool is exactly what we were asking for. Your experience and knowledge are leading the industry. I am looking forward to attending the Kestrel training.


Thank you for the latest update containing the Spectra CSV export. It is unbelievable that your development team could build the feature we asked for so quickly. Seeing is believing and we want to thank you for getting this done.


The v1.31-12 Kestrel TSCM Pro is the best release yet! I believe this is one of the most stable versions of Kestrel I have operated. It is smooth as glass across all platforms i.e. MAC, ALLIENWARE & HP! Great job my friend, a definite winner! Seeing is believing and we want to thank you for getting this done.


The Mighty Kestrel strikes again! Here you go my friend, yet another Kestrel TSCM Professional Software order for [ name removed ].


The new Kestrel software is so good, I am finding myself depressed when I have to run [ competitive product name removed ] over Kestrel!


Absolutely Brilliant! Thank you for the tour of your training facility at CTSC. I had no idea as to the scope of your training programs, absolutely stunning! Thank you for the excellent training on your Kestrel software, definitely an unrivaled achievement.


Very Impressed! I just had to reach out and say how impressed I am with the software. I plan on attending the ERII Kestrel training but wanted to know if you had any open training sessions or thoughts on how I could get up to speed with the use of the software sooner. I have been reading the manual and had about an hour with [ Removed ] over the phone, but nothing is better than face to face in regards to training. Again, great software and I should have purchased it sooner. Amazing.


I just took the new Time Differential Signal Analysis (TDSA) tool for a spin. At first it looked complicated, “unbelievable”, are the only words for this feature. It was easy to use and allowed me to change the time display settings on the fly. This is as you say, a very powerful feature! Kestrel TSCM Professional Software, replaces all my other RF gear hands down and I cannot wait for the new Signal Hound [ SM200A ] receiver, put me down for one. The way you integrate new tools to fully interact with all the display and activity features is really cool. The IF Broadband (IFB) feature is also really cool, but I’m still trying to figure out how to trigger IQ samples?

PAUL: IQ Trigger is a function of our optional Automatic Export Control (AEC) TM | OPT AEC feature.

PAUL: AEC TM must be licensed on the system, before you can utilize automatic IQ Trigger related functionality

PAUL: Manual IQ recording and playback is supported without the AEC feature as a standard included feature.


Milestones indeed! Keep up the good work Paul! COMSEC has delivered 100’s of our KSRFL kits and Kestrel TSCM Pro Software to operators here in the USA.  We sincerely appreciate your continued innovation, and, so do our customers!


Paul, I’ve been using Kestrel since I retired from the FBI in August (bought it in June) and couldn’t be happier with the performance. Just thought I’d let you know.


2020-10-22 | Your latest features make everything I thought I knew about TSCM useless bits of information! I can’t believe how incredible the TCP PL geo-location works. Your development team must be working some serious overtime?


2021-03-22 | Thank you again for the excellent training course last week. We all felt much more comfortable with the TSCM business venture after the weekend. We know that there is so much more to learn but I think we are light years ahead of where we were last week. We are also very interested in all future training opportunities that become available so please keep us posted. As a lifelong entrepreneur and investor, I understand the value of knowledge and you my friend are a wealth of knowledge. I look forward to working with you and the Kestrel system for many years to come.


2021-05-13 | [Paul] Thank you so much for all you do for the community.


2021-05-24 | [Paul] Thank you very much. We all very much enjoyed the training. We foresee using this setup with everything we do moving forward.


2021-06-16 | The [burst detect] looks amazing! Seriously great stuff. Thanks Paul and team. Always greatly appreciated..


2022-02-01 | Like the new [Virtual Classroom] process, keep it going. These webinars and training have been absolutely amazing all along. Well done!


2022-02-12 | Very timely MRO [Multiple Radio Operation] talk, by the way – it’s helping to inform how I’m approaching our monitoring…


2022-04-09 | You made my day this morning when I was using DSA to compare coax cable loss… I got the latest update notification this morning (been away from TSCM for a bit…) and applied it. I smiled when I could pick my own colors to make them stand out – life was a lot better! I haven’t dug into the rest yet, but wanted to let you know that the continuous improvements are really appreciated…


2022-04-09 | Hey Paul, started Kestrel this morning and it automatically updated in about 10 seconds with new files. I tested the operator log and checklist, wow, a little bird told me that the Kestrel never sleeps; an awesome truth indeed…


2023-01-20 | Paul, you did an excellent job this week [with the 5-day CGTO virtual classroom training]…