Global Spectrum Analysis Database (GSAD) TM
GSAD TM is a powerful Global Spectrum Analysis Database platform that is made possible by the direct participation and the combined effort of the Kestrel community and Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software technical operators (commercial and government); and other entities through the shared submission of Kestrel Reference Trace (KRT) TM files captured at worldwide geo-location locales.
This unique resource provides peak capture reference files that are transportable across the all licensed technical operators and multiple Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software platforms.
Any number of Kestrel Reference Trace (KRT) TM files can be imported and displayed on the RF Spectrum Display (RSD) TM within the current runtime or historical project, and are used as a comparative reference against unfamiliar spectrum environments during global or national travel.
NEW : The GSAD-KRT TM files can now be used as a MDA-KRT TM static exceedance model, or as an EDM-KRT TM standalone exceedance model; or combined with an operator-defined integration model.
KRT TM files can be directly imported as ZIP files; or unzipped individual KRT TM files, supported at the software level.
Please note that individual country designations are paged in alphabetical order by country name.
Note: Please note that no operator submissions or country records are currently available for the pages identified in RED.
|| A-B-C || D-E-F || G-H-I || J-K-L || M-N-O || P-Q-R || S-T-U || V-W-X-Y-Z ||
GSAD Total Record Count: 552 | as of 2025-01-02