We are pleased to announce the release of the Kestrel Metadata Exporter (KME) utility for our national security and military-intelligence technical operators who need to access big data as part of deep-dig analytics. Our Kestrel Metadata Exporter (KME) utility allows the professional technical operator to access metadata contained within our proprietary Kestrel IQ (KIQ) file format, allowing targeted access to the IQ metadata. The same powerful Kestrel Metadata Exporter (KME) utility can be used to access the metadata contained within the Kestrel Spectrum Band (KSD) file format. This file is the primary data file for the spectrum data and allows the technical operator to specifically target the metadata contained with the KSD file by selecting only relevant portions of the spectrum.

There are four (4) primary functions within the utility, including the ability to view the specifications and statistical details of the KIQ and KSB file formats and export the actual metadata. Kestrel contains a wealth of hidden secret data for the technical analyst to access, extract and export to develop complex trends and relationships in aid to identifying and exposing deeply imbedded hostile state-sponsored surveillance technology. The Kestrel Metadata Exporter (KME) utility is just one of the many reasons that the Kestrel TSCM Professional Software is integrated into the Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) sector and so widely popular with those responsible for TSCM and technical security radio-frequency analysis. It is difficult to extract actionable RF intelligence with less capable resources that are typical within the commercial TSCM (sell to anyone) market. This is where the Kestrel TSCM Professional Software differs in concept, methodology and innovation! Our product is an experienced-based application with decades of experience struggling with cold war era thinking with limited experience-based functionality. The competition follows, where they think the money flows, we understand that money cannot be the motivation for building new products! That is why, the Kestrel TSCM Professional Software is so successful in the UK, CA, USA, AUS, and FR!