Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software | v1.41-20DEV (Drop File)

We have now released a new Beta release at v1.41-26DEV as a general maintenance release drop file that addresses the increasing complexity and requirement for multiple location GPS capability, a feature only found within the Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software.

Kestrel ® now includes a | SOURCES LOCATION | resource to support and allow the technical operator to view the status of all connected GPS modules, whether SDR hardware based or external USB connected to the host computer.

The operator is able to select any available GPS source for the current location as might be required and view multiple GPS coordinates for any GPS enabled location.

Additional synchronization and hardware communication efficiencies have also been included for the SM200C SFP+ 10 GbE connectivity within the v1.41-26DEV Beta Drop file release.

Looking for the latest software application training, ask about our Virtual Classroom series and learn about our, “All Things Kestrel ® Virtual Classroom Series”.

Visionary Software Beyond the Technology Limitations…

TSB FACT: Professional Development TSCM Group Inc., is the industry leader in bringing together professional level Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) services, standards development, advanced training and certification, the management of longest running, technical security conference event in Canada, and the most respected leading industry Kestrel TSCM ® Professional Software, all under one operational umbrella; enhancing national security worldwide. We back up everything we say that Kestrel ® can do – one customer at a time.

“Innovation is simply the Beginning…”