Global Spectrum Analysis Database (GSAD) Updated

Our powerful Global Spectrum Analysis Database (GSAD) feature contains technical operator submitted Kestrel Reference Traces (KRT), captured from around the globe. KRT files can be downloaded and imported directly into the Kestrel TSCM Professional Software as a local ambient radio-frequency reference trace across any supported SDR hardware, regardless of the bandwidth. We are pleased to announce that technical operators in several countries have provided new KRT captures for inclusion in the GSAD database. New KRT files have been added for North York Ontario Canada, Calgary Alberta Canada, and St. Moritz Switzerland in the latest update. The Kestrel TSCM Professional Software is the leading standards-based Software-Defined Radio (SDR) single technology solution for TSCM, Eavesdropping Detection and counter-espionage applications. Our software is utilized by private sector and corporate entities, government, law-enforcement, military and the national security apparatus worldwide. The Kestrel TSCM Professional Software supports the entire line of advanced Signal Hound Spectrum Analyzers and Vector Signal Generators (VSG). The Kestrel TSCM Professional Software is the only product that supports TSCM specific functionality designed from the ground up for deployment across all known and emerging threat levels within a moving target threat model. All development work is accomplished and strictly controlled in Canada with no foreign development permitted for the safety and security of our end-users. Kestrel is a software you can trust! Our design and development is undertaken by a team of highly-experienced technical security specialists, with years of actual TSCM field experience and a dedicated group of software engineers. Our team is engaged in on-going scientific research and development at our Ontario facility, and more recently, at our Red Deer Training Centre (RDTC) located in the heart of Alberta. In-fact our team of specialists span from the West coast of Canada through Eastern Ontario. We are not simply software resellers like the vast majority of available products. Professional Development TSCM Group Inc., controls every aspect of the technology and development process and provides basic and advanced technical support in Canada and in-house. If it is not Kestrel, it is just another spectrum analyzer!