We are very pleased to announce that the Kestrel TSCM Professional Software development group has completed work on a range of operator requested features, new functionality and minor tweaks that build on a well-established operator centric, standards-based approach, that the mighty Kestrel TSCM Professional Software is well known. It is often the small details that make the biggest impact across the application and we appreciate the input from technical operators worldwide, who have taken the time to submit awesome suggestions and ideas (even if not fully developed), to the development team for consideration. It is these often simple ideas that open the door for more fully developed practical deployment tools. One of these powerful submitted ideas, was to add the ability to export the Tap Capture Plot (TCP) locations and import them into another protect or floor plan within the same Kestrel Project file (KPF). As it turns out, this now implemented powerful new feature, has simplified the deployment across multiple floors considerably more efficient. Another rather powerful resource permits the operator to deselect Location Differential Signal Analysis (LDSA) traces from the right-click pop-up menu on a trace-by-trace basis. This is a powerful capability that allows the operator to focus on the LDSA view directly on the RF Spectrum Display. We have also recently added (expanded) support to change (customize) trace colors. For professional users, we have now extended the ability to display more than four (4) radio dialog windows to accommodate large scalability of Remote Spectrum Surveillance and Monitoring (RSSM) systems. Kestrel is getting noticed more and more as a modern, powerful, up to date radio-frequency platform that is agile, scalable and, developed 100% in Canada | TSCM | SIGINT | ELINT | COMINT | Software Defined Radio (SDR). Kestrel is different on every level, to include a standards-based approach, agility and scalability, and is uniquely trade-craft developed to be threat actor agnostic across operator assisted and autonomous deployment at all known and emerging threat levels from domestic to state-sponsored national security threats.